samedi 16 novembre 2013


Im doing watercolor again. This is just so frustrating. 
So I get back to make a digital studie of the same picture.
Watercolor is difficult,but I feel like it make me learn more.

jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Watercolor and gouache painting in Finland

Here are some of the watercolors and Gouache painting I have done in Finland. 
I really should do more.

B/W version seems more decent to me.

Here is the original Color Version.

jeudi 7 novembre 2013

30 min Speed and Studies.

Some 30 Min speed painting again and kick B/W studies working on one layer just with masses.I am trying to understand some things at volumes and rendering.I am exeperimenting mostly on those speed ( Process and brushes) and studies.Lot of fun as always.